Fire Warden Training Melbourne

Fire Warden Training Melbourne Quick Overview:

  • Having a dedicated Fire Warden in your workplace is a must have when it comes to forming your overall workplace emergency management plan. A Fire Warden is responsible for taking control of an emergency situation in the workplace.
  • All businesses in Melbourne and VIC need to be compliant with Australian Standard 3745-2010. Workplace Emergency Management will help ensure your business meets the requirements outlined in this standard.
  • Workplace Emergency Management offer a comprehensive Fire Warden Training course, which will teach you everything you need to know about becoming a Fire Warden. This includes human behaviour, identifying emergency situations and priorities in these scenarios, how to effectively communicate with those in your workplace and much more.
  • There is a much greater risk of injury, disorganisation and staff unease if there is no dedicated Fire Warden present in your workplace during an emergency.
  • Is Fire Warden Training Mandatory? How often does training need to be revisited? What industries does Workplace Emergency Management help with Fire Warden Training? We answer your questions below.

What is a Workplace Fire Warden and what are their responsibilities?

Having a dedicated Fire Warden in your workplace is an incredibly vital component of any organisation’s Emergency Management Plan. Fire Wardens play an integral role in ensuring the successful management of an emergency situation in the workplace. It is a role with great responsibilities; however, their presence can have a significantly positive impact on an organisation’s ability to respond to emergencies.

Workplace Fire Wardens are a crucial member of your organisation’s Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) and are responsible for taking control of an emergency situation should it arise. Part of their responsibilities include liaising with emergency services upon their arrival to an emergency and ensuring the safe evacuation of staff and visitors by following proper evacuation procedure.

In Melbourne, undertaking Fire Warden Training as a business is imperative. In cities such as Melbourne, high rise offices are all around us. This means there are extra risks and emergency evacuation factors such as stairs, elevators, high traffic and multiple workplaces in the one building, all of which need to be considered when implementing and Emergency Management Plan.

By appointing a dedicated Fire Warden into your office building, warehouse or retail space, you are taking a powerful step towards improving and solidifying your workplace’s overall emergency management policies and procedures.

Requirements of Melbourne-based Fire Warden

workplace fire safety training

In relation to workplace emergency management and safety, all organisations in both Melbourne and Regional areas of Victoria are required to comply with Australian Standard 3745-2010 (AS3745-2010). AS3745-2010 is essentially the framework in which the Workplace Emergency Management team operate to ensure your workplace, its staff and visitors are compliant and safe.

As part of the services that Workplace Emergency Management provide, we will assess your workspace, number of staff, risks and other considerations to ultimately help you determine how many Fire Wardens you will need, what type of specific training is required, as well as advise and assist your business to meet all other standard requirement, including:

  • The identification of your Emergency Planning Committee (EPC)
  • The identification of your Emergency Control Organisation (ECO)
  • The development of an emergency management plan (including your procedures and evacuation diagrams) and
  • Other emergencies you and key staff should be trained in, relevant to your workplace and the nature of your work

What you will learn during Fire Warden Training in Melbourne

Workplace Emergency Management have developed an all-inclusive, comprehensive training course to help organisations across Melbourne appoint competent Fire Wardens in their workplace.

At the end of your training, you will be ready to take on the role of a Fire Warden within your workplace, arms with the knowledge of the role and your responsibilities, risks and the overall commitment to the safety of your workplace.

Throughout Fire Warden Training, you will learn:

  • role as a Fire Warden and how you rank in the organisation when it comes to an emergency.
  • Priorities in an emergency. This includes the safety of yourself and others, your level of involvement in different types of emergencies and proper protocol when calling emergency services (000).
  • The different types of emergencies you may encounter within your workplace. From fire to bomb threats, floods to chemical spills, medical emergencies and more, your Workplace Emergency Management trainer will help you understand the different procedures you are required to follow, depending on the emergency at hand.
  • Human behaviour during an emergency. When it comes to an emergency situation, every individual responds differently, however there are some common behavioural factors amongst humans that we have identified over time and with experience. We will cover human behaviour and ways to manage these traits in your role as a Fire Warden.
  • Communication during an emergency. Whoever said communication is key, was right in all aspects of life – particularly in emergency situations! During your Fire Warden Training, the WEM team will take you through the different methods of communication during particular emergencies; what method of communication works best during a fire, bomb threat, medical emergency and so on.
  • Emergency assembly areas and emergency control points (ECPs). Do you know where these are and when they are to be used? During your training we will take you through the different types of emergency evacuation areas for specific types of emergencies and scenarios.
  • Finally, the Workplace Emergency Management team will take you through proper procedures when it comes to your workplaces’ emergency equipment, including fire extinguishers, blankets, fire hose reels, spill kits and more.

Fire Warden Training will be conducted across roughly two hours, with the option of training either in person (at your workplace or elsewhere) or alternatively, online for your convenience.

What are the risks if your workplace does not have a dedicated Fire Warden?

The appointment of a Fire Warden ensures that those in your organisation (staff and visitors) understand who they need to speak with for guidance and direction during an emergency situation.

Your Workplace Fire Warden is the person to speak to for answers to your questions and any concerns you may have around emergencies, to ensure you and your workmates are educated and confident in the event that an emergency situation does arise.

There is a much greater risk of injury, disorganisation and staff unease if there is no dedicated Fire Warden present in your workplace during an emergency. The likelihood of staff not where or how they need to evacuate, and who they need to take direction from is much greater. Appointing a dedicated Fire Warden offers staff the peace of mind before and during an emergency situation, when stress levels are high and adrenaline kicks in, affecting one’s ability to remain calm and make rational decisions.

Fire fighters

Fire Warden Training Melbourne

Answering Frequently Asked Questions

Not necessarily. However just because something isn’t mandatory, does not mean it’s not required. Implementing a Fire Warden into your organisation forms part of the compliance requirement that ‘businesses must prepare an emergency plan’ in the Australian Standard 3475-2010. Ultimately, having a dedicated Fire Warden is a rational, sensible step to take in your business.

Australia Standard 3745-2010 states that Fire Wardens and members of your Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) should attend a skills retention activity at least every six months. Different organisations will require different levels of skill retention training, each meeting the requirements of their emergency management plan.

The Workplace Emergency Management team are able to undertake your workplace’s regular skills retention activities to ensure consistency across your ECO and a comprehensive understanding of the roles and responsibilities of your ECO, including your Fire Wardens.

When it comes to managing emergencies in the workplace, WEM doesn’t discriminate. Our team of qualified and experienced trainers will undertake a variety of emergency training courses across any and all industry types. From childcare and aged care facilities, through to large corporate offices and industrial workshops, ensuring safety and compliance always has been, and will be our number one priority.

Take control of safety in your workplace by organising a holistic emergency management package with our team. Other services include:

Looking at implementing Fire Wardens in your Melbourne workplace? Workplace Emergency Management are the solution for all your emergency management training, policy and planning needs. Don’t risk the unease and uncertainty that failure to appoint a Fire Warden can ensue. Keep your workmates safe.


Workplace Emergency Management is based in Sydney, however, we service all of Australia so contact us today to improve your emergency management procedures and resources, and prepare your people to confidently handle any emergency situation.

Call us on 1300 831 694 to discuss your needs with one of our consultants today or use the quick contact form to request a quote.