List of Essential Emergency Response Equipment & Resources
Essential emergency response equipment needed for your workplace will depend greatly on the identified emergency types that may impact your workplace. There is some equipment that is legislatively required through Building Codes, WHS/OHS legislation and other Acts.
Emergency equipment/resources includes;
- Fire Safety Equipment (Fire Extinguishers, Fire Blankets, Fire Hoses, smoke detectors, Fire Alarm Systems),
- Emergency lighting,Â
- Illuminated egress signage (Exit, Running man)
- First Aid kits and AED’s
- Communication devices (mobile phones, two-way radios, vocera, megaphones, PA systems and intercoms, verbal)
- Alert systems (Fire alarms, Manual Call Points (MCP’s), whistles, air horns, sirens)
Maintaining and Inspecting Equipment Regularly
There is legislation and standards that dictate when and how certain emergency equipment is to be checked and tested. Fire Safety equipment is subject to a schedule which outlines the frequency at which this equipment is to be checked and maintained. This equipment is generally checked and maintained by persons trained especially to do so.
The WHS/OHS legislation outlines the typical types of First Aid requirements for different workplaces. The First Aid kits and related resources need to be checked on a regular scheduled basis to ensure all content levels are maintained and items are not expired.
AED’s should be checked monthly to ensure they are okay and the batteries do not need to be replaced.Â
All communication devices need to be maintained with batteries charged, tested to ensure they work efficiently and checked for damaged that may render them inoperable.
Importance of Proper Placement and Accessibility of Equipment
The emergency equipment/resources need to be located throughout the workplace in those areas where they are most likely to be needed and used according to the types of emergencies. The equipment also needs to appropriate for the type of emergency that is likely to occur.
For example, there are various types of Fire Extinguishers and each has a differing level of effectiveness as to the type of fire they can be used on. It is therefore important to identify the likely cause or type of fire in the various locations in the workplace and ensure the most appropriate type of extinguisher is available in that location. Â
Similarly, with first aid kits and AED’s, they should be in the vicinity of workplace locations that allows them to be accessed quickly. Â
Fire equipment and First Aid resources need to be suitably sign posted so their location can be easily identified and the equipment can be access without hinderance or obstruction.
Training Employees on the Use of Emergency Equipment
A workplace should assess the need to train suitable numbers of staff to use the emergency equipment available. Consideration could be given to the level of risk in the workplace. A high-risk workplace may require more people trained to ensure a suitable response level occurs. The type of equipment may also dictate the number of employees that need to be trained to use it.
Employees need to be trained to use fire safety equipment, so they know when to use it, what type of extinguisher works on what types of fires, how to maintain safety whilst using it and how to correctly, safely and efficiently use the equipment for best results. This applies to fire extinguishers, fire blankets and fire hoses as well as any special workplace specific fire safety equipment. Â
Only trained First Aiders should use first aid kits and provide first aid. A workplace will determine the number of required First Aiders they need available in a workplace to meet their needs and ensure a quick and effective medical first response occurs.
All employees should have good knowledge on what communication methods are available in a workplace and how to operate those devices effectively. Â
Do you have everything you need in your workplace to be able to ensure the safety and well-being of your employees and other people on site? Get in touch with us at Workplace Emergency Management and our subject matter experts can assist you in ensuring your workplace is fully prepared!
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