Why are First Aiders needed in the Workplace?

Being able to provide first aid can be the difference between life and death. As a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), you have a legal and specific obligation relating to the provision of first aid at your workplace. In a medical emergency, it is important to be able to provide quick and effective first aid before the arrival of emergency services.

Learning first aid can be a great skill set to have. As a general rule, only first aid trained people should provide first aid. Once you have obtained your first aid qualification (Provide First Aid), it needs to be renewed every 3 years. For your first aid qualification to remain current you need to do the CPR training component annually.


First Aider Ratios in the Workplace

The ratio of first aid qualified staff to workplace members depends on the specifics of each workplace. A workplace can be defined as either: a low-risk workplace or a high-risk workplace.

In a low-risk workplace, your staff to first aid ratio may be 1 first aider per department or work floor. This can change, however if the workplace has been deemed a high-risk environment.

See the table below for more workplace first aider ratios.


Workplace risk level Type of workplace Ratio of first aider to staff numbers
Low risk Retail shops, offices, libraries or art galleries 1:50
High risk Factories, motor vehicle workshops or forestry operations 1:25
Remote high risk All night convenient store and service station workers, long distance freight transport drivers                                                                   1:10

(Table adapted from the NSW Government: Code of Practice; First Aid in the Workplace, January 2020)

To meet your duty as a PCBU, you should consult with your workers when determining your first aid needs. This duty to consult is based on the understanding that worker input and participation improves decision-making about health and safety matters.

A PCBU making decisions about first aid requirements must consider the following:

  • the nature of the work being carried out at the workplace
  • the nature of the hazards at the workplace
  • the size and location of the workplace
  • the number and type of workers and other persons at the workplace.

It is important to consider the requirements of your workplace and your workers when determining your first aid needs. A delay in being able to provide timely and effective first aid in a medical emergency could be the difference between life and death.

Need First Aid training for your workplace? At Workplace Emergency Management we can help! We provide nationally recognised training and assessment in partnership with Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909. For more information on First Aid training, or to book, head to the link here. 



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