Call Us NOW: 1300 831 694

Our Services

Safety is our passion, and we find that passion is infectious when organisations find out just how simple Workplace Emergency Management makes compliance with the relevant workplace health and safety legislation. We leave you with more time to focus on other business, and you’ll feel confident knowing that you and your staff are able to manage any emergency.

Evacuation Diagrams

Workplace Emergency Management will take care of the whole process of developing a clear and compliant Evacuation Diagram for you and your facility no matter if you are big, small or in between. We will liaise with you to develop and produce a compliant Evacuation Diagram for your facility (or Diagrams for larger facilities) that clearly shows all workers and occupants the routes for evacuation in an emergency, the locations of exits, assembly areas & emergency equipment and where the viewer is located within that facility.

Emergency Training

Workplace Emergency Management offers a large range of training packages. We will put together a training package that takes into account the size of your facility, number of occupants and the individual requirements of your workplace. For example, a manufacturing and warehousing facility would have very different training requirements to a retail or office facility.

Emergency Plans

An Emergency Plan is a document that lays out all the arrangements, procedures, personnel, strategies and systems relating to emergencies in the workplace. This is a requirement for all workplaces in complying with Australian Standard 3745-2010 Planning for Emergencies in Facilities.

Fire Training

Workplace Emergency Management will prepare the occupants of your facility to respond to a workplace fire safely, by giving them the knowledge and understanding of what a fire is, and the know how to extinguish it by the teaching of theory and the practical use of real emergency equipment at your facility.

Request a Quote

Workplace Emergency Management is based in Sydney, however, we service all of Australia so contact us today to improve your emergency management procedures and resources, and prepare your people to confidently handle any emergency situation.

Call us on 1300 831 694 to discuss your needs with one of our consultants today or use the quick contact form to request a quote.

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